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All About Dagad Phool | Know Your Spice Black Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum)

All About Dagar Phool | Know Your Spice Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum)

All About Dagar Phool | Know Your Spice Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum)

All About Dagad Phool | Know Your Spice Black Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum)

Dagad Phool is also known as Black Stone Flower or Kalpasi or Patthar Ke Phool

All About Dagad Phool | Know Your Spice Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum)

Apart from the unique and marvellous flavour and taste that it gives, the Black Stone Flower also contributes to your health.

Black stone flower also known as Patthar ke phool has an incredible flavour enhancing effect when added to dishes during cooking.

It is an edible fungus that grows on trees and rocks naturally and doesn’t require any major effort or fertiliser. It grows on its own without any cultivation on trees, rocks and stones.

Though there are not many scientific studies and research stating its therapeutic properties, traditional medicine healers believe in its healing properties.

This red spice information card below gives you a snapshot of Dagad Phool spice you’ll read about. Do share this spice card with your friends & spread the knowledge.

What exactly is a Dagad Phool?

Some Indian names of Dagad Phool are Patthar ke phool, Dagadful, Kalahu, Kaluhuva, Badal Poove, Celeyam, Kalpuvu, Kalpasi, Marapasi

Spice card – patthar ke phool | kalpasi | black stone flower | dagad phool

Also known as ‘black stone flower‘, kalpasi is a species of edible lichen that grows on trees and rocks and is used as a spice in Indian cuisines.

Lichens represent a unique group of plants that consists of two unrelated organisms i.e. a fungus and an alga, growing together in a close symbiotic association.

It should not to be confused with another ‘stone flower‘ – Didymocarpus pedicellatus – which is a real flower found in the Himalayas and used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat urinary tract infection.

Dagadful occurs throughout the temperate Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Dagad Phool is found all year round and the entire plant is used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

Black Stone Flower or Dagad Phool is a greenish mineral grey (yellowish-white on top and black on the lower surface that gives the signature black color to various masalas like Goda Masala/Kala Masala.

What is the nutrition value of Dagad Phool?

Know the nutritional value of Black Stone Flower or Kalpasi

It has astringent, resolvent, laxative, carminative properties and supposed to possess aphrodisiac potential.

It is also useful in treating sores, bronchitis, excessive salivation, toothache, boils, inflammations, seminal weakness, spermatorrhoea, amenorrhoea, dyspepsia, calculi, blood disorders.

It is effective in treatment for heart diseases, stomach disorders, enlarged spleen, piles, scabies, leprosy and general pain.

Smoke of drug is believed to relieve headache and powder is applied on wounds.

What is the chemical composition of Dagad Phool?

Know and understand about chemical composition of Kalpasi or Stone Flower.

It contains many chemical constituents like

  • tridecyl myristate, 3-ketooleanane, icosan-1-ol, usnic acid12,
  • parmelanostene permelabdone14, atranorin, lecanoric acid,
  • orcin, erythrolein, azolitmin and spaniolitmint.

What is the history of Dagad Phool?

Know more about the origins & the story behind Dagad Phool or Kalpasi or Black Stone Flower

Looking at the etymology of the name ‘kalpasi’ and the geographically distribution of its usage, the use of the black stone flower seems to have originated with the Dravidian-speaking cultures.

It has been used as traditional food by Rai and Limbu communities of East Nepal.

It is abundantly found in the temperate and alpine regions of the Himalayas and hilly regions of Peninsular India.

Since ancient times, it has been used as one of the natural drug and about 700 biologically active components have been structurally identified that were quite unique with respect to those of higher plants.

The word lichen is derived from a Greek word which denotes the superficial growth on the bark of olive tree.

Theophrastus (370-285BC), the Father of Botany introduced the term lichen. Tournefort (1700 AD) proposed lichen as one of the genera of plant entities.

What does Dagad Phool taste like?

What is the the taste of Dagad Phool?

By itself dagad phool is bitter. It tastes can be compared to being pungent & astringent. However, when added to a recipe and cooked it imparts a wonderful smoky flavour.

Dry ground kalpasi has little or no smell and should be roasted in little oil to get its actual and full aroma.

Dagad phool lichen (parmotrema perlatum)

What are the Ayurvedic properties of Dagad Phool?

Know more about ayurvedic properties of Dagad Phool or Black Stone Flower.
  • Rasa (Taste): Tikta (pungent), Kasaya (astringent)
  • Guna (Property): Laghu (light), Snigdha (slimy)
  • Virya (Potency): Sheet (cold)
  • Vipaka (Post digestive effect): Katu (bitter)
  • Karma (Effect on dosha/disease): Hrdya (Heart diseases), Pittahara, Stambhaka (Semen thickening agent), Kapha-pitthara.

How long does Dagad Phool last?

Learn about how long does Black Stone Flower last in storage.

If stored properly, it will last you an year at least with its full flavour and aroma.

How do I store Dagad Phool?

Learn about how to store Dagad Phool or Kalpasi.

For the best results, keep it stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator crisper drawer as usual.

What can I use Dagad Phool for?

Learn how to use Kalpasi or Black Stone Flower in your food & beverages.
  • It is used to make Goda Masala, that is an important ingredient in Maharashtrian cuisine.
  • It is an essential ingredient in Maharashtrian Kala (Black) masala as well as Lucknawi Potli.
  • It is also considered to be an essential ingredient in East Indian Bottle Masala, Malvani Masala and even North Indian Garam Masala.
  • Kalpasi is also widely used as a soup thickener.
  • It is also widely used in making non-vegetarian preparations like Nalli Nihari and Biryani.
  • Chettinad cuisine also makes use of this lichen to make marinades.
  • Black Stone Flower not only adds flavor and aroma to food but also has various subtle medicinal values.
  • Ayurveda and Siddha medicine has been recommending the Parmotrema Perlatum plant for centuries to treat specific ailments.

Is there a substitute for Dagad Phool?

Learn how to use a substitute for Dagad Phool or Kalpasi if unavailable

No substitute is known for dagad phool.

Where do I buy Dagad Phool from?

Where to Locate Dagad Phool in the Grocery Store?

Dagad Phool | Black Stone Flower is well available in well-stocked grocery stores, supermarkets, and natural food stores. Dagad Phool salt will be in the dry spices aisle.

Dagad Phool is also easily found in specialty and gourmet food stores as well as online.

What are the health benefits of Dagad Phool or Black Stone Flower?

Learn about health benefits of Dagad Phool or Parmotrema perlatum

Health Benefits of Dagad Phool or Benefits of Kalpasi

Different parts of the Stone Flower plant are recommended for treating different conditions:

Here are some notable Health Benefits of Dagad Phool;

  • Health Benefits of Stone Flower as an Antiulcer – There is evidence of Dagad Phool potential against cold restraint, aspirin, alcohol and pyloric ligation.
  • Health Benefits of Dagad Phool as an Antioxidant – The ethanolic extract of dagad phool showed significantly good free radical scavenging effects and antioxidant potential.
  • Health Benefits of Kalpasi in Hypolipidemic – Methonolic extract of P. perlata was proved to have significant hypolipidemic activity when tested by employing in-vitro anti-cholesterol assay.
  • Health Benefits of Kalpasi as Cytotoxic agent – Methonolic extract of P. perlata was found to have cytotoxic activity and showed anti-proliferation against colon cancer cell
  • Health Benefits of Dagad Phool as an Antidiabetic – extract of P. perlata showed significant antidiabetic activity compared to glibenclamide against alloxan induced diabetes in rats.
  • Health Benefits of Dagad Phool as an Antibacterial – The methanolic, ethyl acetate and acetone extracts of P. perlata were found to have significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Health Benefits of Dagad Phool as an Antiviral – The antiviral properties were determined against yellow fever, poliomyelitis and infectious bursal disease virus.
  • Health benefits of Black Stone Flower against Asthma – Ayurveda recommends Black Stone Flower as an important herb for asthma management due to its Kapha-Vata balance properties.
  • Health benefits of black stone flower against kidney stones – Kalpasi is used to treat various kidney conditions including kidney stones. The formation of hard stone is known as Urolithiasis in medical terms.
  • Black Stone Flower powder acts as an excellent pain reliever and provides excellent relief in a short time.
  • These edible fungi have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that treat various skin problems such as wounds, cracks, cuts, inflammation, as well as tumors.

All About Dagar Phool | Know Your Spice Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum)

Dagad Phool Kada | Black Stone Flower Decoction

Dagad Phool Kada | Black Stone Flower Decoction or Kalpasi Kada - Use this lukewarm decoction twice a day to get quick relief from the symptoms of urolithiasis.
Cuisine Indian
Keyword Black Stone Flower, Black Stone Flower Decoction, Dagad Phool, Dagad Phool Kada, Kalpasi, Kalpasi Kada
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 1 Serving
Calories 1kcal
Author Sumit Malhotra


  • 2 Teaspoon Black Stone Flower Dagad Phool or Kalpasi
  • 2 Cup Water


  • Take Black Stone Flower and grind them.
  • Mix it with 2 cups of water.
  • Boiled for 10 to 15 minutes to reduce to 1⁄4th of its original quantity.
  • Filter this cup of decoction.
  • Take 10-15 ml (or as directed by a physician) of this lukewarm decoction twice a day to get quick relief from the symptoms of urolithiasis.

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FInally! To Sum It Up

All About Dagad Phool (Parmotrema perlatum) | Benefits of Dagad Phool

Spice card – patthar ke phool | kalpasi | black stone flower | dagad phool

All About Dagad Phool | Know Your Spice Stone Flower or Kalpasi (Parmotrema perlatum) – Apart from the unique and marvellous flavour and taste that it gives, the Black Stone Flower also contributes to your health.

Black stone flower also known as Patthar ke phool has an incredible flavour enhancing effect when added to dishes during cooking.

It is an edible fungus that grows on trees and rocks naturally and doesn’t require any extra efforts or fertiliser so basically it grows on its own without any cultivation on trees, rocks and stones.

Though there are not many scientific studies and research stating its therapeutic properties, traditional medicine healers believe in its healing properties.

This red spice information card above gives you a snapshot of the spice you’ve read about. Do share this spice card with your friends & spread the knowledge.


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