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Pahadi Chicken Pulao – Simply Bonfired

Pahadi Chicken Pulao Recipe – Made on a bonfire

Location: This Pahadi chicken pulao recipe was created some 7500 feet above sea level cradled in the heart of the majestic Himalayas.

Pahadi Chicken Pulao

Pahadi chicken pulao

I really need to catch up on my writing. This year had not been good for it surely. Though, it has been good for travelling so far. That in fact will allow me to write more in the coming days. So let’s go on with the the first one in a long time.

There are plenty of reasons why this recipe gets the name Pahadi Chicken Pulao. First of all, it was created in the mountains (Pahad) on the embers of wood procured from there. Another reason, all the ingredients came from enroute villages in the mountains. Therefore, it is an appropriate name for the dish.

Pahadi Chicken Pulao – More Origins

Furthermore, Pahadi Chicken Pulao recipe was created in Kanatal. Kanatal, a part of Thangdhar region, is an amazing hill settlement just about 300 km away from Delhi. The recipe is something I ended up creating given the electricity deprived situation we were in. In addition to this, another blessing that came our way was fresh snow almost 3 feet deep. As a result, we ended up sitting by the bonfire day and night till ready for bed. While some preparation for food was done in the little makeshift kitchen we had access to, main courses were cooked on the firepit.

Go for it one of these days and let me know how it turned out. Pahadi Chicken pulao was a big hit up in the mountains. I am sure it same is going to be with your family too. There is a video on top of this post where we have captured the entire process of cooking chicken in the wilderness. All that you will hear are the sounds of cooking and that of nature. Have fun!

Note: Before you set off for Switzerland for your next snowy vacation, I suggest that you visit Kanatal. You won’t find a better picture-perfect setting in the whole wide world. The views are to die for.

Pahadi Chicken Pulao Recipeपहाड़ी चिकन पुलाओ बनाने की विधि

Indications for making Pahadi Chicken Pulao

  • Preparation Time: 30 minutes
  • Cooking/ Assembling time: 35 minutes
  • Cooking Gizmos: A Raging Bonfire, A Pressure Cooker, A Kadai
  • Servings: Good for 5 People

Stuff you’ll need for Pahadi Chicken Pulao

what goes in? what kinds? how much?
Chicken Cut in small pieces 1.5 kg
Onions Medium Sized & Chopped 4 No.
Tomatoes Medium Sized & Chopped 3 No.
Curd or Yogurt 200 grams
Green Chillies Finely chopped 4 No.
Fresh Coriander Leaves Finely Chopped 4 Tablespoons
Lemon Juice Half of lemon
Red Chilli Powder 2 Teaspoons
Turmeric Powder 1 Teaspoon
Coriander Powder 4 Teaspoons
Butter 50 grams
Salt 1.5 Teaspoons or to taste
Steamed Rice Precook & keep separately 1.5 Cups

The Process to make Pahadi Chicken Pulao

  1. First of all, get your ingredients together.
  2. Marinate the chicken in curds, lemon juice, red chilli powder, turmeric powder coriander powder and a little bit of salt. Rest for about an hour in the refrigerator.
  3. Take a pressure cooker or a heavy-bottomed kadai and melt the 50 gm knob of butter.
  4. Add and fry chopped onions till they are almost brown.
  5. Now add coriander & green chillies and fry.
  6. Add tomatoes and fry till cooked.
  7. Now add the marinated chicken with its marinade.
  8. Cook covered mixing it once in a while.
  9. When cooked take a wide kadai with precooked steamed rice and add the cooked chicken to it.
  10. Mix well and leave it on fire for a few minutes till well incorporated.
  11. Serve hot to all food greedy souls witnessing the process. :-)

पहाड़ी चिकन पुलाओ बनाने के लिए कुछ मात्राएँ।

  • तैयारी का समय: ३० मिनट
  • पकाने/ बनाने का समय: ३५ मिनट
  • बनाने का बर्तन: आग, कड़ाई और प्रेशर कुकर
  • मात्राएँ: ५ लोगों के लिए पर्याप्त।

सामग्री पहाड़ी चिकन पुलाओ बनाने के लिए।

सामग्री  किस प्रकार की? कितनी?
चिकन या मुर्ग़ छोटे कटे हुए पीस डेढ़ किलो
प्याज़ छोटे कटे हुए ४ नग
टमाटर छोटे कटे हुए ३ नग
दही २०० ग्राम
हरी मिर्च बारीक कटी हुई ४ नग
हरा धनिया बारीक काट हुआ ४ बड़े चमच
निम्बू का रस एक बड़ा चमच
लाल मिर्च पाउडर २ छोटे चमच
हल्दी पाउडर १ छोटा चमच
धनिया पाउडर ४ छोटे चमच
मखन ५० ग्राम
नमक डेढ़ छोटे चमक या स्वादानुसार
उबले हुए चावल पहले से बने हुए डेढ़ कप चावल

पहाड़ी चिकन पुलाओ बनाने की विधि।

  1. सारी सामग्री एकत्रित कर लें।
  2. चिकन को धो कर दही, निम्बू का रस, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, हल्दी, धनिया पाउडर और नमक के मिश्रण में लेप लें। एक घंटे तक फ़्रिज में रख दें।
  3. प्याज़ को प्रेशर कुकर में मखन के साथ लाल कर लें।
  4. अब इसमें हरी मिर्च और धनिया डाल लें।
  5. छोटे कटे हुए टमाटर डाल का एक से भून लें।
  6. जब मसला पक जाए तब इसमें चिकन डाल कर पका लें।
  7. पके हुए चिकन को उबले हुए चावल के साथ अच्छे से मिला लें और कुछ मिनट के लिए आँच पे रखें।
  8. गरमागरम परोसें और चाव से खा लें।

Video of the recipe

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