Boiling Potatoes in Microwave Oven; How to boil potatoes in microwave?
Sumit Malhotra
Now you don’t have to wait for long for recipes calling for boiled potatoes. Get them ready in a jiffy and use them for your favourite recipes. Let’s see how simple it is to boiling potatoes in a microwave oven.
Place in a polybag and keep on the microwave tray.
Run the microwave oven for 2 minutes on high.
Your boiled potatoes are ready to go.
Always use BPA free plastic bags for boiling potatoes. BPA (bisphenol A) is a chemical that is added to many commercial products, including food containers and hygiene products. BPA is said to mimic the structure and function of the hormone estrogen so it is best avoided.
Keyword Boil Potatoes, Boiliing Potatoes, Boiling Potatoes in Microwave, Boiling Potatoes in Microwave Oven