Bravas Sauce | Salsa Brava | Super Easy Homemade Bravas Recipe - Bravas sauce is bright red and slightly spicy. The word Bravas is the feminine plural of bravo ‘fierce’, probably with reference to the spicy sauce.
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Get your ingredients ready to make bravas sauce | Simple homemade salsa brava
Get one cup of tomato concasse ready for salsa brava.
Mince the garlic finely. You can even mash it. Simply sprinkle garlic with salt and mash to a paste using your chef’s knife. Finely chop the onions. (4 minutes)
Add the garlic to a saucepan and cook for a minute. you’ll be able to smell the fragrance of garlic when done. (1 minute)
Add the onions and red chilli peppers and cook them till softened. (5-6) minutes
Add the smoked paprika, hot paprika, tomato concasse, apple cider vinegar, sea salt and honey (if using). Stir. (1 minute)
Reduce the flame to low and simmer for 10 minutes. (10 minutes)
Transfer the bravas sauce to a food processor or blender and blend till smooth. Serve on top of patatas bravas.