Tamarind Paste Recipe | Imli Ka Paste | Homemade Tamarind Paste - Learn how to make homemade tamarind paste. Making Homemade tamarind paste is very easy and has a very long shelf life. It's worth the effort and can come in handy in everyday cooking. Here is how to do it.
Take the tamarind block and break it into smaller bits. Remove the seeds and the thick fibre as much as possible & discard. Set aside the pulp.
Take a pressure cooker and add cleaned tamarind and water. Cook for 15 minutes on a low flame. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and wait for the pressure to release naturally. Pass the softened pulp through a metallic strainer
If you are using a pan, leave tamarind in hot water in it for 45 minutes to turn soft. Wait for the tamarind mixture to cool slightly. Pass the softened pulp through a metallic strainer (do this twice with more water if needed) & then boil it for 4-5 minutes.
Cool the tamarind paste completely and store it in a clean dry glass jar.
Soak the tamarind well to extract as much pulp as possible.
Store tamarind paste in glass jars only. Tamarind may react with jars made of aluminium, copper or even plastic.
Keyword Homemade Tamarind Paste Recipe, Imli, Imli Ka Paste Recipe, Imlie Ka Paste, Tamarind, Tamarind Paste, Tamarind Paste Recipe