Capparis spinosa – Read all about Capparis spinosa (Capers) in this section. Find and try some popular recipes too. I will be very happy and look forward to receiving your comments on these.
What is Capparis spinosa? Capparis spinosa is the botanical name for Capers. The flower buds, semi mature fruits and young shoots with small leaves are pickled for use as a spice. It gives flavour, aroma and saltiness to Pasta sauces, pizza, fish, meats and salads. It is reduces flatulence and anti-rheumatic. It helps to improve liver function and used against arteriosclerosis, as diuretic, vermifuges and tonics. It has anti-oxidant property. Caper extracts and pulp are used in cosmetics.
Must Read: Health Benefits of Capparis spinosa
Find out and read through a list of not to be missed Capparis spinosa articles and recipes in this section for you to make and enjoy with your family and friends.
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