Antibacterial Fruit & Nuts

Antibacterial Fruit & Nuts – Bacteria are rapidly becoming resistant to common antibiotics and antibacterial agents, and previously controlled diseases are beginning to re-emerge.

Investigations into plant materials as alternative sources of antimicrobials have become more common over the past few years, due to the increased rate of development of antibiotic-resistant organisms.

The health benefits of fruit & nuts such may extend beyond their nutritional value and be far more wide reaching as they contain components that can kill, inhibit the growth, and inhibit adhesion of a wide variety of bacterial species including human pathogens.

Many fruit extracts have been shown to be effective at killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Antibacterial Fruit & Nuts – Read all about antibacterial fruit & nuts in this section and find the ways to include them in your diet & extract their benefits.

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