Chambal River

Chambal River | Briefly About Chambal River

The Chambal River is a significant river in central India that flows through the states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Where does the Chambal River originate from?

It originates from the Vindhya Range in Madhya Pradesh and joins the Yamuna River in Uttar Pradesh.

How long is the Chambal River?

The Chambal River has a total length of approximately 960 kilometres (600 miles) and is known for its unique and diverse ecosystem.

It is one of the few remaining undammed rivers in India, which has contributed to the preservation of its natural flow and biodiversity.

The river passes through the Chambal Valley, which is characterized by ravines, cliffs, and gorges. The region is also known as the “Chambal Ravines” and has a distinct landscape shaped by centuries of erosion.

What is the flora and fauna at the Chambal River?

The Chambal River is home to various species of flora and fauna, including the critically endangered Ganges river dolphin, gharials (a species of crocodile), mugger crocodiles, and various species of turtles.

The river is a sanctuary for these species and is part of the National Chambal Sanctuary, a protected area established to conserve its unique biodiversity.

What is the significance of the Chambal River?

The Chambal River is also significant from a historical and cultural perspective. It has been mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures and has witnessed the rise and fall of several empires.

The river basin is dotted with ancient temples, forts, and archaeological sites that reflect the rich history of the region.

The Chambal River plays an essential role in supporting the local communities by providing water for irrigation and supporting agricultural activities.

It is also a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts, researchers, and tourists who visit to experience its natural beauty and observe the diverse wildlife that thrives along its banks.

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