Denominación de origen

In Spain, the denominación de origen (Spanish pronunciation: [denominaˈθjon de oˈɾixen]; ‘designation of origin’) is part of a regulatory geographical indication system used primarily for foodstuffs such as wines, cheeses, condiments, honey, and meats, among others.

In wines, it parallels the hierarchical systems of France and Italy, although Rioja and Jerez preceded the full system. In foods, it performs a similar role, namely regulation of quality and geographical origin among Spain’s finest producers.

There are five other designated categories solely for wine and a further three specifically covering food and condiments, all recognised by the European Union (EU).

The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food regulates the quality of Spanish foodstuffs via a labelling system which establishes, among other things, a denominación de origen for the country’s highest quality produce.

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