Pan Cateto

Pan Cateto or cateto bread are the breads made with durum wheat. These are part of the Andalusian gastronomic tradition and of some other parts of southern Spain.especially of Málaga.

Pan cateto is also known as country-style bread. It is a loaf that lasts several days in a row without spoiling. The most common thing is to prepare it with bread flour, one of the oldest varieties of hard wheat. As a result, you get a tight crumb bread without any holes.

Malaga’s cateto bread or pan cateto has a beautiful peculiarity. The dough is divided into two balls, joined by a thin isthmus, like an hourglass.

These two parts are crushed one on top of the other in the form to achieve a curious and beautiful hamburger effect.

The utility of this original shape is to allow the board to function like a mess without the bread breaking anywhere else.

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