
Prācinabarhi | Who is Prācinabarhi in Vedic literature?

Havirdhāna, also known as Prācinabarhi, was the son of Antardhāna or Vijitāśva, son of King Pṛthu (Prithu), and his wife Śikhaṇḍinī.

From wife Hāvirdhāni,  Havirdhāna begot six sons viz., Barhiśat, Gayā, Śukla, Krishna, Satya and Jitavrata.

Among them, Emperor Brahiśat was very powerful. He executed his duties exactly as stipulated by the Vedas. He was an expert in the aśtānga yoga (eight limbs of yoga).

Simultaneously he began innumerable Yagnas in adjacent fire-pits and ensured their smooth conduct.

Due to his Yagnas, the entire earth was covered with Kuśa grass (darbha) with east-pointing ends, which are used for Yagna. For this reason, he acquired fame as Prāchinabarhi.

In accordance with Lord Brahma’s command, he married Śatadruti, daughter of the ocean king. Prācinabarhi begot 10 sons from Śatadruti.

They were collectively known as Pracetās. They were steadfast in dharmic austerities and were diligent in the execution of their religious activities.

Prāchinabarhi commanded his sons to get married so as to continue the lineage.

They decided to obtain the Lord’s grace so that they could properly execute their father’s command. They entered into the ocean and performed penance for 10,000 years.

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