Rozemarijn | rosmarinus officinalis | rosemary
What is Rozemarijn – Rozemarijn is the Dutch name for Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). The Rosmarinus officinalis plant is a dense, evergreen, hardy, perennial, aromatic herb, 90 cm high with small (2-4 cm) pointed, sticky, hairy leaves.
Rozemarijn , the herb has been used since the time of the early Greeks and Romans. Greek scholars often wore a garland of the herb on their heads to help their memory during examinations.
The herb has a strong piney, resinous flavor and can easily take over a dish, so it should be used sparingly, especially with fish or vegetables.
Read more: Health Benefits of Rozemarijn
Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation.