Indian bay leaf | tamalapatram | तेज पता | cinnamomum tamala
What is Tamalapatram (തമൽപാത്രം) – Tamalapatram (തമൽപാത്രം) is the Malayalam name for Indian Bay Leaf (Cinnamomum Tamala). Tamalapatram translates into a “pungent leaf”. Tamalapatram or the Indian Bay leaf is used commonly as a spice and tastes more like cinnamon, but milder, and is indeed the leaf of the Cassia (Cinnamomum tamala) tree.
Apart from spice, Tamalapatram (തമൽപാത്രംಲಾ) has several health benefits too. Burning Indian Bay Leaf is said to help fatigue, varicose veins, painful joints, and viral infections.
It also helps by calming the nervous system and boosting mental activity, as well as strengthening immune systems. Culinarily, Indian bay leaves are quite different having a fragrance and taste similar to cinnamon (cassia) bark, but milder.
Read more: Health Benefits of Tamalapatram (തമൽപാത്രംಲಾ)
Tamalapatram (തമൽപാത്രംಲಾ) Cinnamomum Tamala is thought to have been one of the major sources of the medicinal plant leaves known in classic and medieval times.