Coffee Excelsa

Coffee Excelsa | What is Coffee Excelsa?

Coffee Excelsa, also known as Coffea liberica var. dewevrei, is a variety of coffee that is often considered a separate species from Coffea liberica. It is one of the four main commercially grown coffee species, alongside Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora (Robusta), and Coffea liberica.

Where is Coffee Excelsa grown?

Coffee Excelsa is primarily grown in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam. It is known for its distinct flavour profile and unique characteristics.

What is the shape of the beans in Coffee Excelsa?

The coffee beans of Excelsa have an elongated shape, similar to those of Liberica coffee. However, Excelsa beans are smaller in size compared to Liberica beans. They have a distinct aroma and flavour that is often described as fruity, tart, and sometimes with hints of dark chocolate or roasted grain.

What is the market share of Coffee Excelsa?

Coffee Excelsa represents a smaller portion of the global coffee market compared to Arabica and Robusta. Nevertheless, it holds significance in certain regions where it is grown, particularly in the Philippines. In recent years, Coffee Excelsa has gained attention as a speciality coffee, with some coffee enthusiasts appreciating its unique flavour characteristics and seeking out beans from specific growing regions.

In summary, Coffee Excelsa is a variety of coffee that is often considered a separate species from Coffea liberica. It is primarily grown in Southeast Asia and is known for its distinct flavour profile, featuring fruity and tart notes. While Excelsa represents a smaller portion of the global coffee market, it holds cultural significance in certain regions and has gained recognition as a speciality coffee.

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