Atyantika Pralaya

What is Atyantika Pralaya?

Atyantika means the end. The end is of one’s existence as a microcosm within the Lord’s realm.

Thus Atyantika Pralaya means the “final deliverance of a microcosm” or in other words the “attainment of final salvation”.

Thus this term of Atyantika Pralaya only denotes a state of final liberation” of a microcosm, which in Sanskrit lore is also termed Kaivalya and in the Vedic lore, the same is also addressed as Moksha.

That final liberation is nought but “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and its every part after self-realization of the innermost essence of Vedic Mahavakya.

The main stages of Atyantika Pralaya are as follows …

  • Self-realization or knowledge of self (Atma Gyan) – This is the stage of knowledge of “Who Am I” becoming “I Am (Aham Asmi or Ahum Asmi)” and then as times progress, it becomes a path of self-realization of the innermost essence of the Vedic statement of “I Am That (which in Sanskrit language is also called as the Mahavakya of Aham Brahmasmi and which in English words, can also be written as Ahum Brahmasmi)” … And the process of transformation of knowledge of “Who Am I” to the two later stages.
  • Manifestation of all of our earlier discussed primary Siddha Bodies within the aspirant’s microcosm and then these Siddha Bodies (i.e. Siddha Sharira) getting merged to their respective macrocosmic principals i.e. divine worlds or Deva Loka or Siddha Loka.
  • And then at a later stage, these Siddha Bodies become formless i.e. they lose their earlier human forms and merge into their respective divine worlds and thus they turn formless (just as their divine worlds themselves are).
  • This is the stage when the aspirant’s consciousness moves beyond these divine worlds and merges to the “attributeless infinite Absolute being Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman)”.
  • The process of this letting go of Siddha Bodies from divine worlds and thence uniting to the “attributeless infinite Absolute being Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman)” is Atyantika Pralaya and this stage also becomes a very difficult time for an aspirant, if it happens spontaneously and that too “whilst still holding a physically incarnated frame”.
  • By the phrase “whilst still holding a physically incarnated frame”, it is meant that, as compared to the stage of this Pralaya which happens in divine worlds whilst that aspirant is holding a divine body (or a subtler body or a Siddha body) if this Pralaya happens whilst holding the physically incarnated state, then it would lead to a much higher quantum of suffering which would also continue for a certain period of time (Until the aspirants adjusts to those changed state of flows and dynamism which have manifested within his own physically incarnated body) …
  • Thus during a physically incarnated state (i.e. when still holding a physical vehicle) the path of this Atyantika Pralaya (or final liberation) always has its share of sufferings and these sufferings also continues until that aspirant completes this path and then that aspirant’s physical and subtle vehicles adjust to the changed state of flows and dynamism (that have manifested within the physical and subtle vehicles of that aspirant).
  • It is due to the presence of this stage of suffering that the word Pralaya (destruction) was used for this stage even when it denotes a final liberation. This was because this stage is of “inner destruction (i.e. a state of destruction which keeps happening within the aspirant’s physical and subtle vehicle and until the process finally completes) and it is due to this inner destruction, that a stage of severe suffering is always there within Atyantika Pralaya of our current discussion.

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