
All About Sweet Flag | Know Your Spice Gorabach (Acorus calamus)

Sweet flag | bach (বাচ) | acorus calamus

What is Bach (বাচ) – Bach (বাচ), is the Bengali name for Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus). Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus) is also known as Calamus, Sweet Rush or Sweet Cinnamon although the roots taste like ginger.

Bach (বাচ) is also known as Calamus it has a spicy fragrance to it with the leaves having lemony overtones. In medieval times the dried stalks were laid on floors to act as a scented mat to walk on. It’s a forager’s treat, as you can eat the raw, partially grown flower stems of calamus. In Spring, the young stalks, with half-grown leaves packed inside them, are sweet and tasty raw in a salad.

Calamus is used by foragers as a spice, to replace cinnamon, ginger or nutmeg. In the Ayurvedic medicine it was used to keep the voice going when reciting the Upanishads. Sweet flag is a native to most Northern latitude countries around the world, widely dispersed around the USA. It is found wild or cultivated in India and Sri Lanka up to 1800 meters.

Read more: Health Benefits of Bach (বাচ)

Calamus contains constituents such as alkaloids, flavonoids, gums, lectins, mucilage, phenols, quinone, saponins, sugars, tannins, and triterpenes (steroids).

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