Bakra Id, is also known as Eid-Ul-Adha or Eid-Ul-Azha or Bakrid. The name translates to ‘festival of sacrifice’ in which a male goat is sacrificed on this day. It is a special day for all Muslims because of Sunat-e-Ebrahimi Qurbani.
It is then cooked into lavish delicacies that are divided into equal thirds and enjoyed by the family, donated to the poor and given to relatives. The noble idea behind the festival is that no one should be left without food on Eid-Ul-Adha.
Preparing special recipes on Eid-ul-Adha Recipes or Bakra Eid Recipes is an important aspect of the Muslim religion and culture. Every one makes traditional and delicious Eid recipes during these 3 days of Bakrid.