Hariana is also known as Haryana cow. The breed was earlier known as ‘Hisar’ and ‘Hansi’ according to their place of origin.
The two strains of cattle Hisar and Hansi found in Haryana region in North India are known after the name of their native towns. Hariana cattle seems to have originated from these two strains. Hisar and Hansi names do not exist now.
The breeding tract of the breed includes Hisar, Rohtak, Sonepat, Gurgaon, Jind and Jhajjar districts of Haryana in North India.
Hariana is one of the most prominent dual purpose (for milk as well as work) cattle breed of Indo Gangetic plain and it is named according to the breeding tract of the breed (Haryana state in North India).
Haryana or Hariana cow fair milkers. Good cows can produce even up to 1700 kilo grams of milk in a lactation with average cows producing around 997 Kg in a lactation (ranging between 693 to 1745 Kg).
The breed is primarily maintained for bullock production as they are powerful work animals, therefore more attention is paid in managing male calves.
Hariana cattle breed is white or light grey coloured with coffin shaped skull. In bulls colour in between fore and hind quarters is relatively dark or dark grey. The animals have long and narrow face, well-marked bony prominence at the centre of poll and small horns.