Kitchener College Nowgong

Kitchener College Nowgong

Nowgong is a town in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. The town was an important centre during the British rule.

During British rule, Nowgong was the headquarters of the Bundelkhand Agency.

The town hosted a military cantonment with accommodation for all forces, the Kitchener College Nowgong (for soldiers being trained to become officers).

It also had a school, King George’s School Nowgong,  for the wards of the chiefs of Central India (1872–1898), in addition to being the headquarters of the Political Assistant of the Agency.

Nowgong is well connected by road and is on NH 75 about 110 km away from Jhansi.

The nearest railway station is Harpalpur, 30 km away and the nearest airport is Khajuraho, 68km away. The town has an old British-era church.

Kitchener College (closed) 1929-1964. Became Army Cadet College in 1960 and relocated to Pune in 1964.

It used to run a 2-year preparatory course for the Indian army and graduates went on to the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun (IMA), the officer training school.

The King George’s School Nowgong 1952-1960 (in the buildings of the Kitchener College). Relocated to Chail as the Chail Military School in 1960.

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