
Ramayana | What is Ramayana?

The Ramayana is one of the two major ancient Indian epics, the other being the Mahabharata. It is a Hindu scripture attributed to the sage Valmiki and is considered a sacred text in Hinduism. The Ramayana tells the story of Prince Rama, his wife Sita, and their adventures and struggles.

The epic is divided into seven books, or Kandas, and consists of approximately 24,000 verses. It explores themes of duty, honour, loyalty, love, and the battle between good and evil. Here is a brief overview of the story:

1. Balakanda: The first book introduces the main characters, including Rama, Sita, Rama’s brother Lakshmana, and the demon king Ravana. It describes Rama’s childhood and his marriage to Sita.

2. Ayodhyakanda: This book focuses on Rama’s exile from the kingdom of Ayodhya due to a twist of fate and political intrigue. Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana spend their years of exile in the forest.

3. Aranyakanda: During their exile, Rama encounters various sages and mythical creatures. The book explores their experiences in the forest and encounters with demons.

4. Kishkindhakanda: In this book, Rama befriends Hanuman, the monkey god, and forms an alliance with the monkey king Sugriva. Together, they plan to rescue Sita who has been abducted by Ravana.

5. Sundarakanda: This book focuses on Hanuman’s journey to Lanka, where Sita is held captive. Hanuman’s heroic exploits, his meeting with Sita, and the message he brings to Rama are the main highlights.

6. Yuddhakanda: The book describes the intense battle between Rama’s army and Ravana’s forces. Rama ultimately defeats Ravana with the help of Hanuman, his loyal allies, and divine weapons.

7. Uttarakanda: This final book covers Rama’s return to Ayodhya, his coronation as king, and the challenges he faces as a ruler. It also includes the banishment of Sita and the birth of Rama’s twin sons, Lava and Kusha.

The Ramayana is not only a tale of heroism, but it also imparts moral and philosophical teachings. It is often recited, studied, and performed in various forms of art and theatre throughout India and other parts of the world. The story has had a profound influence on Indian culture, literature, and religious practices for centuries.

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