Coffea excelsa

Coffea excelsa | What is Coffea excelsa?

Coffea excelsa, also known as Excelsa coffee or Coffea liberica var. dewevrei, is a coffee species closely related to Coffea liberica. While it was once considered a separate species, it is now generally considered a variety within the Coffea liberica species. Excelsa coffee is less commonly cultivated compared to Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta, but it has its own distinct characteristics.

What are the features of Coffea excelsa?

Excelsa coffee plants are large trees that can reach heights of up to 15 meters. They have broad, elliptical leaves and produce white, fragrant flowers. The coffee cherries produced by Excelsa trees are medium-sized and oblong in shape.

What is the flavour profile of Coffea excelsa?

The flavour profile of Excelsa coffee is often described as unique and complex. It is known for its deeply fruity and tart notes, with hints of dark berries and a wine-like acidity. Some also detect floral and citrus undertones. Excelsa coffee is generally considered to have a more balanced flavour compared to Liberica coffee.

Where is Coffea excelsa grown?

Excelsa coffee is primarily grown in Southeast Asia, particularly in regions such as the Philippines and Vietnam. In these areas, it is often used in blends or as a component in local coffee traditions. While it is less widely known in the global coffee market, Excelsa coffee has gained recognition among certain coffee enthusiasts who appreciate its distinctive flavour profile.

The cultivation and processing methods for Excelsa coffee are similar to those used for other coffee varieties. The coffee cherries are harvested when ripe, and the beans are extracted and processed through methods such as washed processing or natural drying. The beans are then roasted and brewed to bring out their unique flavours.

In summary, Coffea excelsa, or Excelsa coffee, is a variety within the Coffea liberica species. It is less commonly cultivated compared to Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta but offers its own distinct flavour profile. Excelsa coffee is known for its fruity and tart notes, with a balanced flavour profile. It is primarily grown in Southeast Asia and has gained recognition among certain coffee enthusiasts who appreciate its unique characteristics.

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