Antispasmodic Spices

Antispasmodic Spices – Antispasmodic spices & herbs can prevent or ease spasms or cramps in the muscles of the body. Many of these herbs are also Nervines & Carminatives and so will reduce both physical and psychological tension as well.

Natural products with antispasmodic activity have been used in traditional medicine to alleviate different illnesses since the remote past.

There are general antispasmodics that reduce muscle spasm throughout the body, and there are those that specifically work on certain organs or systems. There is much overlap between herbs as muscle tissue is generally similar throughout many areas of the body.

Antispasmodic compounds are currently used to reduce anxiety, emotional and musculoskeletal tension, and irritability. Although most of the available antispasmodic compounds are synthetic or semisynthetic, traditional uses of this group of compounds are still popular.

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