The Nava Yogendras, also known as the Nine Siddhars, are a group of legendary sages and enlightened beings in the ancient Indian tradition of Siddha Yoga.
The word “Siddhar” means “perfected one” or “one who has attained spiritual realization.”
These nine sages are revered for their deep spiritual wisdom, mystical powers, and contributions to the field of yoga, meditation, and herbal medicine.
The Nava Yogendras are believed to possess extraordinary abilities and have attained self-realization through intense yogic practices and spiritual discipline.
They are considered masters in various aspects of yoga, including Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Raja Yoga.
The names of the Nava Yogendras may vary in different traditions and texts, but commonly mentioned names include:
1. Agastyar (Agastya): Agastya is considered the foremost among the Nava Yogendras. He is revered as a great sage, seer, and scholar and is associated with the knowledge of Ayurveda, astrology, and alchemy.
2. Thirumoolar (Thirumoolam): Thirumoolar is known for his profound teachings on Hatha Yoga and is believed to have authored the Tirumandiram, a significant scripture on yoga and spirituality.
3. Sundaranandar (Sundarananda): Sundaranandar is known for his mastery of Kundalini Yoga and is believed to have achieved immortality through his yogic practices.
4. Kamalamuni: Kamalamuni is associated with the practice of Kundalini Yoga and is believed to have attained spiritual liberation.
5. Konganar: Konganar is revered for his expertise in Kundalini Yoga and is said to have achieved immortality through his yogic practices.
6. Sattaimuni: Sattaimuni is known as a great Siddha who possessed profound spiritual knowledge and insight.
7. Vanmeegar (Vanmeegarishi): Vanmeegar is associated with the practice of Kundalini Yoga and is believed to have attained enlightenment through his yogic practices.
8. Valmiki: Valmiki, also known as the author of the epic Ramayana, is considered a Siddha who attained spiritual realization and composed devotional hymns.
9. Pambatti Siddhar: Pambatti Siddhar is known for his mastery of Kundalini Yoga and is believed to have achieved spiritual liberation.
The Nava Yogendras are revered as spiritual guides and sources of inspiration for seekers of truth and spiritual growth.
Their teachings and practices have had a profound influence on the development of yoga, meditation, and spiritual traditions in India.
They continue to be respected and honoured in the Siddha tradition and are considered embodiments of divine wisdom and enlightenment.