Puja Guleria

Who is Puja Guleria?

Puja Guleria is a member of the Guleria clan by marriage and is married to Ankur Guleria. She is also is the Global Marketing & Communications Leader – EY Tax Technology and Tax Industry/Sectors.

Her career with EY over the last 22 years has given her some exciting opportunities. She has been instrumental in:

  1. Setting up a full-fledged multinational communication vertical from the ground up,
  2. Developing a recognition program impacting over 80,000 EY employees across the globe
  3. Creating award-winning annual reports and client communications programs for one of India’s best known financial services organisations,
  4. Interviewing and writing a feature on the top women leaders of a company operating across 83 countries,
  5. Supervising an organisation’s water-harvesting initiatives in the remotest parts of India, and
  6. Designing a change communications program to run across five culturally diverse cities.

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