Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken Recipe, Recipe for Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken
Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken recipe is a garlicky, buttery and really tangy chicken dish. It is an easy crisp-tender chicken with the creamiest lemon butter sauce ever – you’ll want to forget the chicken and drink the sauce instead!
You can have this as a snack or maybe as a main course too if you like. The smoothness of this incredible chicken dish is surely going to delight you and your loved ones.
And you can make it any time you want since it is quick to make and doesn’t need a lot of preparation. In fact, this is a very friendly dish for bachelors who like their chicken.
You can’t go wrong with this recipe. Honestly. Easy to prepare, even easier to EAT which is always a good thing, right?
I mean chicken that’s juicy on the inside, creamy and lemony taste, swimming in so many incredible flavours. And, yet made up with only a handful of ingredients.
If you may, you can even call it lemon chicken in butter garlic sauce. Though, do check out the recipe of lemon butter garlic chicken below.
Indications for making Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken Recipe
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking time: 15 minutes
- Cooking Gizmos: Thick bottomed pan with lid
- Servings: 3
Stuff you’ll need for Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken Recipe
what goes in? | what kinds? | how much? |
Chicken | Boneless breast cut into 1″ cubes | 500 grams |
Garlic | Sliced | 8-10 cloves |
Lemon Juice | 5 Tablespoons | |
Butter | 30 grams | |
Salt | To taste | |
Black Pepper | 4 Teaspoons |
The Process to make Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken Recipe
- First of all, get all your ingredients together and cube the chicken breasts.
- Next, melt butter in your cooking pan or dish and saute garlic till it is nice and fragrant.
- Then, add the chicken and sear it on high to seal the juices.
- And, as the chicken changes colour add salt and pepper. Reduce heat to medium-slow.
- Add lemon & cream and bring to a slow boil.
- Reduce the heat to low and let the chicken cook and sauce get thickened.
- Serve with some crackers or just like that as an evening snack.
Visual Process for making Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken Recipe
चटपटा लहसुनि मखनदार चिकन बनाने के लिए कुछ मात्राएँ।
- तैयारी का समय: ५ घंटा
- पकाने/ बनाने का समय: १५ मिनट
- बनाने का बर्तन: कढ़ाई।
- मात्राएँ: ३
सामग्री चटपटा लहसुनि मखनदार चिकन बनाने के लिए।
सामग्री | किस प्रकार की? | कितनी? |
चिकन | एक इंच के चकोर भाग में काट लें | ५०० ग्राम |
लहसुन | बारीक काट हुआ | ८-१० नग |
निम्बू का रस | ५ बड़े चमच | |
मखन | ३० ग्राम | |
नमक | स्वादानुसार | |
काली मिर्च | ४ छोटे चमच |
चटपटा लहसुनि मखनदार चिकन बनाने की विधि।
- सारी सामग्री एकत्रित कर लें और चिकन को एक इंच के चकोर भागों में काट लें।
- कढ़ाई में मखन पिघाल लें और लहसुन को भून लें।
- अब चिकन को डाल कर भून लें।
- जब चिकन का रंग सफ़ेद होने लगे तो इसमें नमक और काली मिर्च डाल लें।.
- निम्बू का रस और क्रीम मिला कर धीमे उबाल पर ले आएँ।
- अब आँच धीमी कर के चिकन को पकने दें।
- क्रैकर्ज़ के साथ या स्नैक की तरह परोसें।
इन तस्वीरों को देख कर आप चटपटा लहसुनि मखनदार चिकन घर पे आसानी से बना सकते हें।

To Sum It Up - Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken
Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken is a must try recipe! I’m all about lemon butter garlic chicken so when you add a butter pan sauce to the mix you know it’s going to be unbelievably tasty. And not only that this chicken is so easy to make and it comes together in no time, making it the perfect dish to serve any day of the week.