Aloo ka Raita Recipe – Right from Dera Ismail Khan
Aloo Ka Raita is made by mixing boiled potatoes, curd, spices, green chilly and garnished with chopped coriander. This raita is super delicious and can be paired with rice, dal or with curries.

Aloo Ka Raita is a traditional Dera Ismail Khan recipe, a province now in Pakistan. Though, I am sure a lot of other regions would like to stake a claim to this wonderful and simple recipe. I have fond memories of my mother & grandmother making aloo ka raita regularly in Summers especially with hot dishes on the table.
The idea behind raitas is simple. They keep your body and mind cool. I usually add milk to curds. This dilutes them and if curds are a bit sour, milk reduces the sourness. Raitas by tradition are an essential condiment on Punjabi tables. Read on. :)
Raita is the common name for vegetarian side dishes which are made by adding different vegetables/ fruits/ spices to yoghurt. Its generally served with almost every Indian meal and is used to balance the rich flavours of Indian curries or rice dishes like biryani or pulao. Raita is very common and popular in many other countries of the Indian subcontinent too.
This raita is relatively simple, it is just beaten curd bulked up with pieces of boiled potato and flavoured with cumin seeds, pepper and coriander leaves.
Aloo Ka Raita Recipe
Aloo Raita recipe is a simple and easy-to-make North Indian side dish. It’s not only delectable but also nutritious. As the name suggests, the main ingredients used in this raita recipe are potatoes and curd. While potatoes are loaded with carbohydrates and starch, the curd is a rich source of calcium. Meanwhile, cumin seeds and red chilli powder add flavour to this dish.
Indications for making Aloo Ka raita
- Preparation Time: 2 minutes
- Cooking time: 3 minutes
- Cooking Gizmos: A serving bowl
- Servings: 2-3 People
Stuff you’ll need for Aloo Ka raita
what goes in? | what kinds? | how much? |
Yoghurt or Curd or Dahi | Full fat | 1 Cup |
Milk | 4 tbsp | |
Potato | 1 Big | |
Green Chilli | 1 No. | |
Black or Rock Salt | 1/4 tsp | |
Red Chilli Powder | 1/4 tsp | |
Cumin Powder | 1/2 tsp |
The Process to make Aloo Ka Raita
- Boil & cut potatoes in small cubes. To know how to effortlessly boil potatoes, click here.
- Finely chop green chilli.
- In a serving bowl, dilute yoghurt or curds with milk and beat it with an egg beater or a fork till smooth.
- Add all ingredients to the serving bowl and mix well.
- Garnish with a half n half-circle of red chilli powder and cumin powder. You can add a sprig of fresh coriander too.
- Refrigerate till you are ready to serve the raita.
- Serve with parathas, pulao or biryanis. This raita goes very well with my One Pot Chicken Pulao.
आलू का रायता बनाने के लिए कुछ मात्राएँ।
- तैयारी का समय: २ मिनट
- पकाने/ बनाने का समय: ३ मिनट
- बनाने का बर्तन: हांडी
- मात्राएँ: २-३
आलू का रायता बनाने के लिए सामग्री।
सामग्री | किस प्रकार की? | कितनी? |
दही | १ कप | |
दूध | ४ बड़े चमच | |
आलू | एक छोटा | |
हरी मिर्च | १ | |
कला नमक | १/४ छोटा चमच | |
लाल मिर्च पाउडर | १/४ छोटा चमच | |
ज़ीरा पाउडर | आधा छोटा चमच |
आलू का रायता बनाने की विधि।
- आलू उबाल कर छोटा काट लें। आलू को आसानी से उबालने की विधि के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।
- दूध और दही को अच्छे से फेंट लें।
- सारी सामग्री एक परोसने वाली हांडी में मिला लें।
- लाल मिर्च पाउडर, ज़ीरा पाउडर से गोलाई खिचें। अगर चाहें तो एक हरे धनिए की कली से भी सजा सकते हें।
- परोसने तक ठंडा करें।
- आप यह रायता पराँठों, बिरयानी या पुलाव के साथ परोस सकते हें। यह रायता मेरे बनाए हुए चिकन पुलाव के साथ बहुत अच्छा जाता है।
To Sum It Up
Aloo Ka Raita is made by mixing boiled potatoes, curd, spices, green chilly and garnished with chopped coriander. This raita is super delicious and can be paired with rice, dal or with curries.
1 comment
[…] as cooking skills go, but it is quite handy! Most of our favourite dishes from a Bombay Sandwich to Aloo Ka Raita start with — oh yes! — boiling some […]